lagu if i got locked away - Adam Levine Locked Away Lyrics Lyricscom uang365 Lirik lagu dan terjemahan bahasa indonesia Judul Locked Away Penyanyi R City Adam Levine Jangan lupa untuk subscribe channel DeLirik like dan share video ini ke temanteman Meaning of Locked Away by R City Ft Adam Levine Songtell The Meaning Behind The Song Locked Away by R City Watch the official lyric video for Locked Away by R City ft Adam LevineListen to R City httpsRCitylnktolistenYDSubscribe to the official R City Locked Away feat Adam Levine R City feat Adam Levine Follow the official 7clouds playlist on Spotify httpslnkfire7cloudsSpotify R City Locked Away Lyrics ft Adam Levine Download Stream ht LOCKED AWAY Chords R City EChords Locked Away Lyrics by Adam Levine from the What Dreams Are Made Of album including song video artist biography translations and more If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you still love me the same If I showed you my Locked Away feat Adam Levine SoundCloud R City feat Adam Levine Locked Away Lirik Lagu Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Locked Away dan Terjemahan R City Adam Levine Locked Away feat Adam Levine Lyrics FlashLyrics If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly Would you still love me the same If I showed you my flaws If I couldnt be strong Locked Away R City Adam Levine Lirik Lagu Terjemahan lockedawayfeatadamlevine Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 170 pluscircle Add Review comment Reviews There are no reviews yet Be the first R City Locked Away Lyrics AZLyricscom Kali ini aku mau membagikan Lirik Lagu Locked Away R City dan Adam Levine Beserta Terjemahan Siangsiang gini kayaknya paling enak kita karaokean nggak sih Aku punya rekomendasi lagu yang bisa kalian nyanyikan buat hari ini yaitu lagu Locked Away Locked Away is a song by Virgin Islands production duo R City featuring American singer Adam Levine the lead singer of pop rock band Maroon 5 The song was released on June 29 2015 by Kemosabe Records and RCA Records Adam Levine Locked Away feat Adam Levine Lyrics If a got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly Would you still love me the same If I showed you my flaws If I couldnt be s Judul Locked Away Penyanyi R City Feat Adam Levine LirikINTROIf I got locked away Jika aku masuki penjaraAnd we lost it all today Dan kita kehi Locked Away Wikipedia What is the meaning behind the lyric If I got locked away and we lost it all today tell me honestly would you still love me the same The lyric speaks to the singers fears that his significant other will leave cheat slot online him now that he is in jail R City Locked Away ft Adam Levine YouTube Indotimescoid Berikut Lirik Lagu Locked Away dan Terjemahan R City Adam Levine If I got locked away Jika aku dipenjara And we lost it all today Dan kita kehilangan semuanya hari ini Lirik Lagu Locked Away R City dan Adam Levine Beserta Lirik Lagu Locked Away R City feat Adam Levine merdekacom Lagu Locked Away bercerita tentang kecemasan dan rasa tidak aman dalam hubungan Video musik resmi menampilkan tiga adegan berbeda seorang tentara yang meninggalkan keluarganya untuk kembali bertugas seorang pria dan seorang wanita yang berjuang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan seorang ayah dan anak perempuan yang terkoyak oleh penangkapannya Stream Locked Away feat Adam Levine by R City Rock City on desktop and mobile Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud Watch the official music video for Locked Away by R City ft Adam LevineListen to R City httpsRCitylnktolistenYDSubscribe to the official R City The chorus poses the question If I got locked away and we lost it all today tell me honestly would you still love me the same The artist is asking if their partners love and loyalty will remain the same even if they were to face adversity and lose everything Adam Levine If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you sti are you lefthanded Locked Away Chords by R City Learn to play guitar by chords tabs using chord diagrams watch video lessons and more R City Locked Away feat Adam Levine R City Free Makna Lagu Locked Away yang Dibawakan oleh Adam Levine dan R Lagu Locked Away yang dibawakan oleh Adam Levine dan R City masih populer hingga kini Meski dirilis sejak tahun 2015 lalu lagu ini tetap diminati oleh banyak kalangan Selain alunan musiknya yang enak didengar lirik lagu Locked Away juga memiliki makna yang cukup dalam Locked Away Lyrics If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you still love me the same If I showed you my flaws If I couldnt be strong Tell Locked Away R City ft Adam Levine Lyrics Terjemahan If R City Locked Away Lyrics Genius R City Locked Away Lyric Video ft Adam Levine YouTube Lirik Lagu Locked Away R City dan Adam Levine Lengkap If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly Would you still love me the same If I showed you my flaws If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you 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