chord injit injit semut - Create and get 5 IQ Intro demo idn slot power of odin G C G C C jalan jalan ke tanah Deli F C sungguh indah tempat tamasya G kawan jangan bersedih C mari nyanyi bersama sama C kalau pergi ke Surabaya F C naik perahu dayung sendiri G kalau hatimu susah C yang rugi diri sendiri Reff C injit injit semut G siapa sakit naik di atas F G injit injit semut C walau sakit Injit Injit Semut chords The Mercys Metachords Kunci Gitar The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Chord Dasar Transpose Auto Scroll Intro G C G C C jalan jalan ke tanah Deli F C sungguh indah tempat tamasya injit injit semut D A siapa sakit naik di atas G A injit injit semut A D walau sakit jangan di lepas Kumpulan Chord The Mercys Lirik Lagu Kenangan dan Kunci Gitar Chord The Mercys Injit Injit Semut A D A D D jalan jalan ke tanah deli G D sungguh indah tempat tamasya A kawan The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Official Audio YouTube In Key F capo 0fret Chords for InjitInjit Semut C F Bb Dm Jam with guitar keyboard uke bass mandolin banjo with 41 popular tunings The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Official Audio Chords Chordify InjitInjit Semut Chords ChordU Injit Injit Semut chords Edit Download Tweet YouTube Chords Up Transpose 0 Autoscroll When finishing scrolling scroll from it injit semut siapa sakit naik di aGtas iFnjit injit seGmut walau sakit jangan di leCpas naik perCahu ke pulau seribu The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Chords Ver 1 Lagu InjitInjit Semut Asal Jambi Makna Lirik dan Chordnya detikcom Chord The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Kunci Gitar Surabaya F C naik perahu dayung sendiri G kalau hatimu susah C yang rugi diri sendiri Chorus C injit injit semut G siapa sakit naik di atas F G injit injit semut C walau sakit jangan di lepas C injit injit semut G siapa sakit naik di atas F G injit injit semut Injit Injit Semut The Mercys Chords Chordify TKOES INJIT INJIT SEMUT The Mercys Chords Chordify Kord Gitar Indonesia Chord The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Try another song instead The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Official Audio Chords B7 E A Chords for The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Official Audio Chordify is your 1 platform for chords Play along in a heartbeat Injit Injit Semut The Mercys chords To start learning The Mercys InjitInjit Semut chords build your understanding on these basic chords Fm E B A B and E in sequence For a smooth transition initiate your practice at 57 BPM and gradually match the songs pace of 114 BPMWith an eye on the songs key F Major set the capo that best suits your vocal range INJIT INJIT SEMUT CHORDS by The Mercys UltimateGuitarCom Intro G C G C C jalan jalan ke tanah Deli F C sungguh indah tempat tamasya G kawan jangan bersedih C mari nyanyi bersama sama C kalau pergi ke Surabaya F C naik perahu dayung sendiri G kalau hatimu susah C yang rugi diri sendiri Reff C injit injit semut G siapa sakit naik di atas F G injit injit semut C walau sakit jangan di lepas C injit Chords used in Injit Injit Semut C G F Dm D Play on uke guitar bass keyboard mandolin in song key C capo 0 fret Use the free tempo shifter of ChordU to learn easily Kunci Gitar Heidy Diana Injit Injit Semut Chord Dasar Injit Injit Semut chords bernyanyi oleh The Mercys CHORDSUP 100000 Lagu Chord Multilingual Untuk Gitar Ukulele Piano Untuk Memetik dan Bernyanyi Guitar Ukulele Pemain Ritme Genre Kunci Blog Meminta nycaps login injit injit semut siapa D sakit naik di A atas G injit injit A semut Injit injit semut siapa sakit naik di atas A B E Injit injit semut walau sakit jangan di lepas E B Injit injit semut siapa sakit naik di atas A B E Injit injit semut walau sakit jangan di lepas E The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Official Audio Chords ChordU Injit Injit Semut The Mercys Chords ChordU Chord Heidy Diana Injit Injit Semut Intro F Em Dm G C F Em Dm G C jalanjalan ke tanah deli F C sungguh indah tempat tamasya G kawan jangan bersedih G C mari nyanyi bersamasama Chord Injit Injit Semut The Mercys Kunci Gitar Dasar Mudah Injit Injit Semut Chords ChordU Lirik dan Chord Lagu InjitInjit Semut dari The Mercys Kompascom Lagu InjitInjit Semut merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak lagu daerah yang ada di Indonesia Lagu ini berasal dari Provinsi Jambi dan sangat populer di kalangan anakanak Selain itu lagu ini juga sering dinyanyikan dalam permainan Cubitcubitan Tahukah detikers lagu ini mengajarkan nilai positif tentang pentingnya menjaga Chords B E A Fm Chords for The Mercys Injit Injit Semut with Key Capo Tempo shifter Play along with bass keyboard uke guitar mandolin banjo with 41 tunings alternatives Chord The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Kunci Gitar Lirik Lagu Chordvisa Chord The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Kunci Gitar Chord Kunci Gitar Lagu Injit Injit Semut The Mercys Intro A D A D Verse D Jalan jalan ke tanah deli G D Sungguh indah tempat tamasya A Kawan jangan bersedih A D Mari nyanyi bersama sama D Kalau pergi ke surabaya G D Naik perahu dayung sendiri A Kalau hatimu susah A D Yang rugi diri sendiri Chorus D Injit injit semut D A Siapa sakit naik di atas G A Injit injit semut A D Walau sakit A⁷ Unfortunately the chords and diagrams for the song you requested are currently unavailable Try another song instead Chords A7 D G A Chords for Injit Injit Semut The Mercys Chordify is your 1 platform for chords 2x E Jalan jalan ke tanah Deli A E Sungguh indah tempat tamasya B Kawan jangan bersedih E Mari nyanyi bersama sama E Kalau pergi ke Surabaya A E Naik perahu dayung sendiri B Kalau hatimu susah E yang rugi diri sendiri Reff E B Injit injit semut siapa sakit naik di atas A B E Injit injit semut walau sakit jangan di lepas E B Injit injit Kunci Gitar Chord The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Chord Mudah Chords A D G Chords for Injit Injit Semut The Mercys with Key Capo Tempo shifter Play along with keyboard uke guitar bass mandolin banjo with 41 tunings alternatives The Mercys Injit Injit Semut Chords ChordU Guitar Chords Injit Injit Semut The Mercys Medium Chords and Lyrics Injit Injit Semut The Mercys intro B E 2x E jalan jalan ke tanah deli A E sungguh 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